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Welcome to Onbon 2018 ISLE exhibition :New 3D,4 image spliter

Time:2018-01-30 Reading:5100

Welcome to visit us at ISLE 2018 Guangzhou which is recognized as the world's largest AV and systems integration exhibition, take a close look of Onbon's new products which is equipped with simple operation and powerful function.We will wait for you at hall 10.2 C66.


Black Technology:Innovative solutions let 3D display close to thousands of end users?


At this exhibition, Onbon Technology will prominent displays a set of “new” 3D equipment for LED displays with competitive price and superior performance. According to the display characteristics of the LED display, Onbon Technology can reduce the cost of the shutter-type 3D display solution through innovative technical solutions, and without the complicated peripheral equipment and software operation, it can have excellent 3D display effect for 3D LED display. The popularity of screens in the entire industry has created possibilities.



Black techology:No need complicated settings while using video processor?


At this exhibition a lot of Onbon OVP video processor will be displayed since its launch. At present, the OVP series includes OVP-M1 video processor, OVP-L1/M2/M3 video controller, OVP-VH4/VH8 transmission controller, and OVP-P1 dual channel splicing controller, OVP-H1 four-image Two new ultra-high-speed splicers will also be re-installed.


Black techology:Voice controller,enviroment sensor?


As the key product of this ISLE exhibition, BX six-generation voice controller not only achieves dazzling special effects at low cost and Chinese and English voice broadcasting, but also standardizes on-board environmental monitoring interface, which can be easily applied to smart city projects without secondary development.


Beside the above three black technology,In addition to the above three black products, Onbon Technology will also exhibit Y-series, synchronous full-color controller, BX 5-generation dual color controller and other products, including full range of LED display controllers.

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